
Code, better explained.

Java与groovy混编 —— 一种兼顾接口清晰和实现敏捷的开发方式

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  1. 有大量平均水平左右的“工人”可被选择、参与进来 —— 这意味着好招人
  2. 有成熟的、大量的程序库可供选择 —— 这意味着大多数项目都是既有程序库的拼装,标准化程度高而定制化场景少
  3. 开发工具、测试工具、问题排查工具完善,成熟 —— 基本上没有团队愿意在时间紧、任务重的项目情况下去做没有把握的、基础开发工具类的技术试探
  4. 有面向对象特性, 适合大型项目开发 —— 无数大型项目已向世人述说,“面向对象”是开发大型软件的优秀代码组织结构
  5. 能适应大型团队、多人协作开发 —— 代码需要简单易懂,起码在接口、api层面是这样

—— 这是我所理解的“工业化开发编程语言”的概念

很显然, java就是种典型的“工业语言”, 非常流行,很多企业靠它赚钱,很实际;

这样的局面其实无所谓高兴还是担忧,理性的程序员有很多种,其中一种是向“钱”看的 —— 我写java代码,就是因为工作需要而已,能帮助我的组织搞定业务,做出项目,这很好;

那么,从这些无数次的口水之争中,我们能否从别人的“战场”上发现一些有用的东西, 来改进我们的开发方式,从而使得java这种已经成为一个“平台”的东西走得更远,赚更多的钱呢?
答案是“有的”,感谢那些参与口水战争的、各种阵营的年轻程序员们,有了你们,java speaker们才有了更多的思考;


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  • 也就是用户在网站A已经登录,希望不必再重复登录过程,即可以登录状态访问网站B
  • 这其实是一种“信任交换”,即用户已经取得了网站A的信任,希望以一种安全的方式也取得网站B的信任
  • 从网站A免登到网站B的信任交换其实就是交换“登录cookie”, 很显然“交换登录cookie”只是“信任交换”的一种情形;从普遍意义上讲,用户在系统A和系统B之间做“信任交换”,其实可以交换任意“信任凭证”,他们的原理都是大同小异的

动态的Java - 无废话JavaCompilerAPI中文指南

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JavaCompiler API

1.6之后JDK提供了一套compiler API,定义在JSR199中, 提供在运行期动态编译java代码为字节码的功能
需要强调的是,compiler API的相关实现被放在tools.jar中,JDK默认会将tools.jar放入classpath而jre没有,因此如果发现compiler API相关类找不到,那么请检查一下tools.jar是否已经在classpath中;

使用’Tsukuba Help’观看国外免费在线网络课程(android篇)

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目前在,, edx.org等网站都提供有丰富的、高质量的在线视频课程可学习;


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  1. 大括号{}MessageFormat中是关键字!所以输出时必须转义;这两个东西在目标代码中(比如java)很常见,遇到一个就要转义一个是很不爽的事情;
  2. 除了字符串替换之外,没有任何分支逻辑判断、循环结构支持,这使得所有的分支逻辑和循环结构都要写在调用这些MessageFormat的java代码里;虽然很多时候确实可以这么做并且很合适,但是还是有一些情况,如果能写在模板里会明显比写在java代码里好;
  3. MessageFormat的placeholder是数字,渲染时是根据传入参数的位置来做值替换,这很不直观,更好的用户体验应该是依据名字来替换,就像所有的、普遍意义上人们所见过的模板引擎那样;


  • 简单,这意味着只需要拥有简单的语法以及简单的jar包依赖(或者不需要jar包依赖)
  • 高效,最好直接编译成字节码执行,而非像velocity那样每次渲染都遍历AST

而重点就在于第一点:简单,这需要我好好总结一份“用作代码生成的模板引擎所必须的语法特性”列表, 并且除此以外,不能有更多其它的东西;

Prime Numbers Less Than N

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  • Sieve方法:
  • 优化1:初始化list时,预先排除2,3,5,7的倍数, 得到一个初始化list
  • 优化2:在筛除合数时,不必一个一个挨着筛,只需在列表中剔除: p * x 即可(x是从p开始,初始list中的数字), 直到p*p > 初始化list中的最大数

资料: 用作测试,素数个数对照表:

扩展: 也许下一篇文章介绍一下“素数测试”?

TODO 后面再完成本文,反正有版本管理~

Growing a Full-Featured Calculator in 15 Minutes Using

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First, let’s create a empty java project in eclipse IDE, download newest playable jar file from here. Adding it to the build path of the project, like this(note: jdk1.6 or above required):
And then, create a new java source file to build our grammar, for example,
We start by specifying the EBNF form of our expected calculator language. The calculator expression would do addition and subtraction operations and also multiplication and division operations which have a greater priority.
Also, we expect the calculator could handle parentheses to do priority adjustment.
We could write the EBNF grammar rules in a top-down pattern:

calc ::= expr $
expr ::= addend (('+'|'-') addend)*

We specified that the overall expression consists one or more addend sub-expressions with '+' or '-' symbol delimited.
And for every single addend expression:

addend ::= factor (('\*'|'/') factor)*

consists one or more factor separated by '*' or '/'.
And finally, for any single factor, is either a single digit or a quoted expression:

factor ::= '\d+(\.\d+)?'
         | '(' expr ')'

Ok, we’ve done defining the EBNF of our calculator. This is what it look like all over:

calc ::= expr $
expr ::= addend (('+'|'-') addend)*
addend ::= factor (('\*'|'/') factor)*
factor ::= '\d+(\.\d+)?'
         | '(' expr ')'

Ideas and Concepts Behind

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DSLs in java is hard.

DSLs are rarely discussed in java community. Or, at least comparing to other dynamic languages’ world, DSLs in java is much harder to create.

Why does this happen?

According to Martin Fowler’s comments on DSLs, they are separated mainly to two kinds: internal and external DSLs.

I believe that, the ability of how a specific general purposed programming language could be customized to an internal DSL relies on the language’s meta-programming features.

Some languages, especially dynamic typed ones, have ability to customize its syntactical appearance at runtime. By intercepting their class defining life-cycles, executing fail-over strategies when method or field missings, or doing presentation substitutions via sophisticated macro systems or even, directly change their parse tree at runtime. All those incredible features are the magic behind internal DSLs.

But, we sadly found that java has none of those magic stuff to help building internal DSLs. There’s little meta-programming features in java. Annotations? Perhaps one rare creature, but its not enough.
Maybe the only way to create internal DSLs in java is to design a set of Fluent Interface API. It’s great, but you won’t have much space on customizing the syntax of your DSL.

Then, seems that the possible ways to create real-world, sophisticated DSLs in java are always turns out to be external-DSLs. But, this won’t be easy, always, since the creation of computer world., the Ultimate Tool to Create DSLs in Java

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Initial version released. is a dynamic parser generator which allows you crafting your DSLs in pure java, using your favorite editor.
Now it reached its initial release version 0.1.0. You can download it from the project page and play around with it.
There’s a detailed Quick Start guide on the project page, it could guide you through to have a overall feeling on using

Main attributes of

  • It’s not just ‘yet another compiler compiler’. It aims to help you building DSLs in java Dynamically.
  • Dynamic means you can use your newly defined DSL immediately after you have just finished its definition. No other steps required, no additional command-line instructions needed to type.
  • Very close to EBNF grammar syntactically when defining grammar rules using With the fluent interface API, you can feel as if you are writing EBNF directly. Syntactically close to EBNF is very nice for a parser generator.
  • It generates LL(*) parser for your language, dynamically, using java 1.6’s compiler API. And it provide powerful semantic predicate mechanics to handle even context-sensitive situations.
  • It won’t generate a parser source file to you and telling you to place the file into some where of your project directory. Instead, it handles all those generation & compiling staff in the background and only provides you a executable object which you can invoke.
  • No other dependencies except for the built-in java library. Requires JDK 1.6 or above.

A dummy language example.